Friday, 2 January 2009

Beat the January Blues

Its not the best time of year for happiness really. There is a noticeable increased sense of misery on London Transport, and that's not even in reference to the rubbish weather, everyone is miserable. Perhaps this years blues are worse than normal due credit crunch etc, especially as the media love these headlines how we are all going to die in the gutter like in a Dickensian Novel.

You just have to say "Sod It" Life is short, give yourself a hug! Don't stop reading because you think I'm a mad hippy (I am, but....), go, give yourself a treat! Think about one of those fantastically simple thing which just make you feel so happy! These things don't have to involve money, you know, going for a walk in one of the royal parks, then reading the paper on a bench, and people watching. Taking your favourite book (Preferably something suitably escapist from reality like Harry Potter!) and sitting in a coffee shop with your favourite type of coffee and maybe something naughty on the side :) Go for a swim! Go to the Children's section of a book shop and flick through all your old favourites and find some new ones.

I asked some friends for their "best hug", I hope it gives you an inspiration and so go do something nice for YOU!

1. Pamper afternoon! Soak in tub, glass of wine, face mask, paint nails.
2. Go to Kew Gardens
3. Sunday papers, bit pot of coffee, and some highly fattening pastries
4. Visit the cinema on your own
5. Your lounge, your favourite movies, and any accompaniment you love most - wine? popcorn? chocolate?
6. Explore a Park you have never been to take the paper, or simply people watch
7. Find a gorgeous little coffee shop and take your favourite book
8. Treat yourself to a massage
9. Stay in bed for a really long time until you feel naughty buy so indulgent
10. Think of something you have always wanted to do, and do it!

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