Saturday, 10 January 2009

How to be an armchair Eco Warrior

Everyday the news is the same. Credit Crunch. Recession.

However, there are tons of ways to save money, and the best thing about them is they also save the environment. Even if you are one of those people who doesn't care if Planet Earth is on borrowed time, most of you want to save money!

Here are some very easy ways....Its all very obvious, and I'm sure i am not telling you anything you don't already know! Food for thought prhaps? For more advice check out these websites

Friends of the Earth

1. Change to energy efficient light bulbs
2. Turn lights off where you can
3, Turn off the mains of electrical appliances you are not using, no red standby light
4, Wear jumpers and get draught excluders to save on heating
5, Boil the kettle for hot water, including for veg and pasta etc, its often cheaper than heating cold water on the hob
6, Only boil the amount of water you need
7, Walk or dust off the bike instead of using the car for short journeys
8, Don't lave the tap running when cleaning your teeth
9, Don't buy expensive cleaners, opt for the cheaper more natural ones
10, Use rechargeable batteries

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